台灣聽力語言學會107年在職繼續教育課程I以中樞聽覺處理測驗評估影響兒童語言,學習與溝通的發展性障礙及II 華語語詞圖片指認測驗的發展[MAPID-A]課程

二、時間: 107428(星期六)13:00-16:40           
三、報名時間 : 即日起至107420日截止 4/24會在網站最新消息公布報名成功名單
四、報名費用: 台灣聽力語言學會會員:免費
    台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會會員:免費 (請檢附會員證明)
   非以上身份者:600 會員若尚未繳交當年度會費,則當次研習以非會員收費標準收費。

       II 華語語詞圖片指認測驗的發展[MAPID-A]

How to assess the best level of auditory processing skills in children and adolescents with comorbid central auditory processing disorder and developmental disabilities affecting language, learning and communication?
Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is a disorder of the auditory nervous system beyond the auditory nerve level. CAPD exhibits as deficits in processing, i.e. discriminating and recognizing, auditory stimuli as evidenced by various behavioral and electrophysiological measures. There are individuals suffer from deficiencies in processing speech and/or non-speech sounds without any peripheral hearing loss or deficits in attention, memory, language, literacy and cognitive abilities. These individuals offered evidences that CAPD is indeed an independent clinical entity. In other individuals, however, similar auditory processing deficit profiles were presented comorbid with various kinds of disabilities such as middle ear diseases, brain disorders and injuries, psychiatric disorders, cognitive deficits, developmental disorders (autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders), and language learning disorders (specific language impairment, dyslexia). Do these disabilities cause the auditory processing deficits, or do they co-exist with CAPD in those individuals? In this session, we will explore methods to minimize the confounding effects of deficits in attention, memory and/ or language in order to assess the best level of auditory processing skills in children who have other comorbid disabilities.
Development of MAndarin Spoken word - Picture IDentification Test (Adaptive version) [MAPID-A]
MAPPID-N was developed to investigate young Mandarin-speaking children’s spatial release from masking (SRM) in closed-set speech recognition performance in noise (Yuen et al., 2009; Yuen et al., 2014). MAPPID-N requires testing to be conducted at 3 different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) points to derive a performance-SNR (P-SNR) function and the SNR for 50% correct score (SNR-50%) in the P-SNR function. The relative time-consuming procedure limited MAPPID-N’s clinical application. MAPID-A was recently developed to reduce test time in just a few minutes for obtaining the SNR-50% by an adaptive test-in-noise format.  
P-SNR functions were obtained from two subsets of pre-recorded spoken test items: subset (a) 24 disyllabic words, and subset (b) 10 numerals (1 to 10) from forty native Mandarin-speaking aged 3.6-6.2 years who had normal speech, language and hearing performance. The homogeneity of the test items was aligned by adjusting the speech intensity level of each test item so that its adjusted SNR-50% point overlaps the mean SNR-50% point of all test items in the subset. In MAPID-A, for each subset, the homogenized test items were randomly presented in an adaptive testing procedure in 2 dB SNR steps until 12 reversals were obtained. Noise level was always fixed but only speech level varied. The SNR mid-points from the excursions of the 12 reversals were averaged to produce the adaptive SNR-50% measure (aSNR-50%).
Preliminary results from participants with normal hearing revealed a small standard deviation and standard error of 2.5 dB and 0.7 dB respectively for aSNR-50%, making MASPID-A a sensitive procedure to detect subtle differences in speech recognition performance in noise because of its narrow confidence interval (CI) of only ± 2.3 dB (99% CI) and ± 1.3 dB (95% CI) for aSNR-50%.
MAPID-A can detect subtle changes in speech recognition performance in noise, which has a promising application potential in the evaluation of new pre-processing, new sound coding strategies, and novel fitting methods in the Mandarin-speaking pediatric cochlear implant population.

二、時間: 107428(星期六)13:00-16:40           
三、報名時間 : 即日起至107420日截止
四、報名費用: 台灣聽力語言學會會員:免費
              台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會會員:免費 (請檢附會員證明)
五、報名方式: 線上報名:請至「研習活動」(線上填妥報名表後,系統將出


袁志彬 教授

How to assess the best level of auditory processing skills in children and adolescents with comorbid central auditory processing disorder and developmental disabilities affecting language, learning and communication?
Development of MAndarin Spoken word - Picture IDentification Test (Adaptive version) [MAPID-A]

Dr YUEN is an Associate Professor at the Department of Special Education and Counselling, Faculty of Education and Human Development, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He is also the Co-Director of the Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL) of EdUHK. Dr YUEN was trained as a speech-language pathologist and an audiologist, and has practiced at the Hospital Authority, local universities, and private sectors before he started his academic career in EdUHK. His research interests include the development of reliable speech recognition tests in quiet and in noise to evaluate the auditory processing abilities of children and adults with hearing impairments, central auditory processing disorders, and language learning disorders including specific language impairments and reading and writing disorders (dyslexia).

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